Pool Safety Tips

Having a pool can provide many great memories, lots of fun and even exercise for the whole family. However, having a pool is also a huge responsibility. As a pool owner you have the responsibility to safeguard your pool. Here are some safety tips form the Pool Doctor you can practice:

~~ have at least a 4′ fence around the pool with automatic lock system & encourage your neighbors to do the same

~~ install a safety cover and/or pool & gate alarms to advise you when people go near the water.

Water Safety

~~ learn, practice and teach all members of the house to swim

~~ learn how to perform CPR on both adults & children

Stay alert and focused when watching children in & around the pool area

~~ keep away from drains & equipment to avoid entrapment

~~teach children water safety practices

~~always stay close and watch children in and around pool area

~~ if child is missing, look first in the pool & spa

Create a safety pool kit before swimming including:

~~ a first aid kit

~~a floatation device

~~a charged portable phone to dial 911

~~scissors to cut hair, pool covers, clothes, etc if needed in an emergency

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